Zoom Etiquette

 How much the world has changed in the last three years! By now, I have been teaching Zoom classes for three years and a lot has happened during this time. I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. Hundreds of lovely beaders have taken classes from me since 2020 and finally I feel like I have experienced enough hosting Zoom classes to be able to articulate some reasonable expectations that will make everyone's Zoom experiences better.

What should we do before a Zoom class?

-Depending where you purchased your class, Etsy or through an organizer, expect communications regarding the Zoom invite and such through this channel. You bought your class on Etsy? Before sending  Facebook messages, emails and text messages, check your Etsy convo inbox for the information. You signed up for a virtual retreat via email? Your invite will arrive via email.

-Making sure your technology is operational is your responsibility. Camera, mic, etc. I am not available for practice runs making sure your technology works. This isn't because I am not nice or I don't like you. I like my customers and think highly of them. I simply don't have the time. Are you not sure how to use Zoom? Here is a really good video on YouTube to walk you through the process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9isp3qPeQ0E&t=301s. Beyond this, if you have any problems with your technology, Google will most likely be able to provide you with a much better solution than I could. 

-Please keep in mind that your Zoom class is like a theater ticket. You miss the performance? No rain checks are provided. I also can't offer to meet up with you to catch you up on what happened in class. I will be happy to answer questions via email regarding whatever is giving you a hard time, but it's not like I can summarize the class for you via email.

-There are all sorts of things that come up that you might not have planned for on the day of your class. Life happens. Appointments, responsibilities, unplanned events may all interfere with your Zoom class. This is to be expected and it is understood. If you know you will be "in and out of class all day", reach out and let me know so I can count on this and can look out for you to let you back in. Please keep in mind that sometimes you will have to wait for me to let you back in. If I am in the middle of a presentation for example, that takes precedence.If we are on our midday break, I will not be able to let you in until the break is over.  I will make all efforts to keep an eye on the waiting room and let you back in as soon as I can. 

What should we expect during a Zoom class?

-There will be plenty of time to see live presentations, pre-recorded presentations and also to chat with me and your fellow class mates. Please keep in mind that Zoom is set up in a way that when you speak, everyone sees you and hears you. This means that if you don't let me complete my presentation and ask questions while I am showing something important,  all the attendees may see and hear you if they are viewing the meeting in speaker mode. This does not mean that you aren't welcome to ask questions. In fact you are welcome to do so, all day. But be mindful timing them.

-Because Zoom automatically shows whoever is speaking, or making any noise,  (while in speaker mode)just know that if you have  a tv on in the background, people talking around you, dogs barking, etc, all eyes can be on you suddenly and even if they don't all see you, at least everyone else hears what is going on, unless you put yourself on mute. This can lead to funny situations such as someone leaving their mic on while having a very turbulent intestinal day. So it is a very good thing to familiarize yourself with the mute button.

-Keep in mind that just because someone's camera is off and they are muted, it does not mean that they can't hear you. If we are on break and some of us are sticking around chatting but many appear to be not there because their cameras and mics are off, it does not mean they can not hear what you are saying and it is most prudent to keep this in mind. 

-Zoom classes are fundamentally different from "in person" classes in a way that in person you are sitting in a room at either a very long table or many smaller tables. Therefore you can only hear people in your immediate vicinity talking, unless they are really loud. In a Zoom class, as soon as you say something, the entire room hears you. How does this affect  communication and having a positive experience for  all?

      - If someone keeps talking all day, has to acknowledge everything everyone says verbally; if they count all their beads out loud all day or otherwise monopolize all the time and all the attention, I may mute them. This is not to say that polite conversation is not allowed. In fact it is encouraged. During a full day class there are plenty of times when you get to make friends in class. Just keep in mind that cutting people off, interrupting presentations, talking to yourself all day is not ok. No one is getting kicked out of class for this and this is not a a personal issue, I am not mad, it's just that the class needs to be enjoyable for everyones else too and I am here to make sure that it is so.

    -During class you may ask  about my sources for materials. Sometimes I will give them out, sometimes I won't. It's not a personal issue, it's just that teaching classes and selling kits is how I make a living and there will be materials that took me years to source and I am not willing to share where I got them from. Oftentimes I buy materials in bulk and my sources don't sell to the general public. I may have any number of reasons I am not willing to tell you where I get the materials that make my designs special. Taking a class with me means you get to make the design that I am teaching. It does not mean that you get to have access to all my sources. This does not mean you are not allowed to ask me. Just be ready that sometimes-not all the time but sometimes- the answer will be no and I do not owe an explanation as to why. Again, keep in mind too that instead of asking me in private, you are doing this in front of the entire class, so be kind and be mindful. 

   -Keep in mind that during class you might move around. Stand up from where you are sitting or laying, move from your standing desk, etc. Sitting, standing, laying down are all very good positions to bead, listen and chill. Just make sure you are covered up. You don't need to put on makeup or a fancy dress to bead with your fellow classmates, but it's a good idea to cover your private bitssies to avoid wardrobe malfunctions.

   -One big NO NO, NOPE; NOT  EVEN A LITTLE is bringing up any grief you may have with any  race, ethnicity, religious group any OTHERING. I don't think I need to elaborate on this. From here on if such a thing comes to pass, immediate removal from class without a single word of explanation is what is going to happen. No refunds, no explanations. Leave your agendas and weapons at the door, Zoom classes filled with people from all walks of life, from all over the world, coming from all different backgrounds are not the place for discussing anything like this.

  -Before entering class, take a deep breath. It's going to be a fun, uplifting experience. You are here to learn, grow, get to know others, feel good about yourself, your creativity and also to visit with me a little. Leave the argy bargies and the door. Relax. Come in with an open mind and enjoy yourself.

That's about it Friends. No one is singled out for any previous behavior that may or may not have prompted me to write this blurb. Rest assured, the reason I had to write this up is not imaginary situations. But please take this in the spirit it's offered: gentle and kind and with good intentions so we can all have a better time together. Looking forward to seeing you in my classes!


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