New Year, New Rings

 I hope You All had a wonderful Christmas. We certainly did. Paul and I had one day off, the 25th together and we spent it organizing our apartment. This is a very decadent and luxurious activity for us, because normally we both have many better things to do and no time for such. So we just hung out, ate tasty Christmas food and got some long overdue organizing done.

Thanks to that, I now have more space to live in and bead on.
 What I did not do for a couple of days was beading. So all these little goodies were mostly finished before Christmas.
 I just did not have the time to take pictures of them and list them on Etsy till last night.
 Aren't they fun? And such an easy way to use stone/glass orphans.

You know, the one that's left behind after a project, that you just don't know what to do with?
Make a ring!
 They all have their own little ringy personalities. This is Galaxia , like Woody Harrelson's  character from Anger Management. Such a funny movie, and he made me laugh so hard!
Of course the boro glass in the movie looks like a tiny galaxy, but it's a lot more fun to call it Galaxia.
 Then  this little lucite centered piece reminded me of my bridal bouquet that I made with green chrysanthemums and green spider mums.
 This one is all about ice.
 I think it was about this point in the photo shoot that I realized that my hands are not only dry and full of ever present weird cuts and scrapes ( I swear I got some fairy with a tiny sword cutting me up every night, because I have no idea how these even get there), but my fingers are crooked too. (That, I can't blame on the Little People. They were always crooked.)
 I guess I could use a hand model. If only Samantha did not have webbed feet, her precious brown fingers would look very good with rings on. She has got the longest, most beautifulest wonderfulest doggie toes.
This above piece is named after the Mourning Dove. It does not make a peep, but it's a lovely shade of soft grey.
Then of course here is something very pink.Very, very pink.
Kind of fun isn't it?
Since I have ran out  ring blanks now I am off to something different.
It's about time to start my challenge entry for my own challenge, "Illuminated by Candle Light".
Just a reminder if you feel like participating, make anything, send me two pictures of it by Jan 17th (my birthday) and I will post the entries right here.


  1. Szebbnél szebb gyűrűket alkottál! Nem is tudom, melyik tetszik a legjobban:))

  2. Kinga, those are beautiful rings I love the Morning Dove and of course the Very, very pink one. I have gathered the items for my piece in your challenge just need to start it.

  3. Hello dear Kinga,
    mabye you know, I´m not the fan of rings, but yours are so colorfull and radiate so much joy!
    And its true, each of them has it own personality.
    Wish you Health, good luck and many, creative ideas for 2012!

  4. I like the ice one the best. :) Where do you get your ring blanks from?

    (and look! I can finally comment on your blog :D)

  5. Thanks everyone. Megs, I got them on Ebay. They ship them directly from China, and if you just do a quick search on ring blanks, you will see there are many to choose from. I like the brass because it doesn't even pretend to be anything precious, like if it was gold plated or silver plated. Adjustable rings are not very fancy, but they are fun, and brass wears well, doesn't fade and I like how unpretentious it is. I think I payed about seven bucks with shipping for 20 of them.

  6. Your rings are so fabulous! Such a great variety too! I adore the "ice" one!

  7. Kinga, your rings are so very wonderful! Each unique, and beautifully crafted. I love the earthy brown one especially. As the proud owner of one of your little beauties, I salute you!!!

  8. I'm Arantxa, I write you from Beads Perles (, I would love to contact you but I cannot find your e-mail address.
    Could you write me? My e-mail is:

    Happy New Year
    Best Regards
    Beads Perles

  9. Kinga, your rings are fabulous! Anybody would love to "adopt" these "orphans". You always have such wonderful ideas!


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