Book club meeting #2

 Come join my book club discussion on January 31st at 10:00 am Mountain Time. You can join in later too as your schedule allows if you can't make it exactly at starting time. The length of the meeting will depend on participation and if we have enough to talk about.

The subject of the book club meeting is Keith Donohue's The Stolen Child.

This will be the second book club meeting, and all are welcome. Bring your beading, knitting, Bloody Mary, coffee, tea, whatever. Mostly, come as you are. You haven't read the book but you want to hang out with your fellow beady peeps? Please join us. 

The books are great, but in all honesty, this is an effort to bring beaders together from around the world. These are some rough times. We all spend a lot more time in solitude than before. You don't have to be lonely. Come hang out. Bitch and stitch. Whine and wine. Hang out and just listen, if that is what you wish to do. We will have a grand time.

Kinga Nichols is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: My MeetingZoom Book and Bead Club
Time: Jan 31, 2021 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

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