7th Book Club Meeting, September 17th, 10:00 AM, Mountain Time - The last Mrs Parrish

 Ahoy Book Club Friends! Our next book is The Last Mrs Parrish by Liv Constantine.

It's the ultimate guilty pleasure of a good summer read. There is absolutely no educational value to this thriller, it's wonderfully entertaining and engaging and at times enraging book that you will just have to read all night because it's worth it. Like eating an entire pint of ice cream, there is a time and a place for such pleasures.

Initially the lonely ways of the whole pandemic is what started the whole book club effort, and while we have been released back to society and are a bit more free range than caged these days, I still see value in it and will keep it going.

If this is the first time you hear about the book club, you might want to read the posts from last year about it.

At any rate, it's free, there is no need to sign up, no need to email me. Just save the zoom invite and show up at the time specified on Zoom. Bring whatever project you are working on and do join even if you haven't finished or started the book, just want some good company and sharing with friends you haven't met yet. Good things come from good gatherings and these meetings indeed have been very satisfying to all of us involved.

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Topic: Kinga's Book Club, September 17th, The Last Mrs Parrish
Time: Sep 17, 2021 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

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