Random Furry Modeling

It appears that Butters has his own following, and it is my duty now, to satisfy your Butters cravings by posting new , incredibly cute Butters Pirate Nichols pictures.
So cute, so orange, so deadly. Able to disarm mailmen, handymen, father in law.
Owner of sharpest claws, stainless steel baby corn teeth, destroyer of furniture, doors and the pride of anyone ,who thinks a 9lbs kitty can't take them out.

Who can even see the Wunderhund supermodel proudly displaying my new necklace in the back, when Butters steals the show with those whiskers?
Yes. Whiskers. Regal whiskers...
One of these days my furkids will get that modeling contract, and I can retire and bead all the time....


  1. Too cute Kinga, Beware of Butters Pirate Nichols!!

  2. Sammy wears your gorgeous necklace very well, Kinga! Cute pix of the furkids - thanks for sharing!

  3. A fantastic model! I love! My dog ​​gets a new job too!Fantastic necklace!:-))


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