One more Winter Solitude bracelet, and a timely spring cleaning effort

 A lovely lady contacted me on Etsy a couple weeks back asking me to re-create Winter Solitude for her.
Since it's one of my favorite bracelets, I was excited to say yes .
 Of course it is very similar to the original piece, but since I made it, I figured I might as well share it here.
 It's interesting how all the patterns evolve, and compared to the original side by side, they are like fraternal twins. Similar all right,but not quite the same.
 I have done some spring cleaning and remodeling in my cyber space, and so this blog looks quite a bit different. I am hoping it's more modern, more easy to see through, and I added some cool features like galleries in the upper left corner, where the curious visitor can look through my jewelry by categories instead of having to read through old posts.

 Also, I have changed the name of the blog.
 I don't know if you guys remember, but my first Etsy store was called White Rabbit, and so the blog for the longest time was named whiterabbitjewelry.
Finally I figured out a way to change that too, but now all the links to it stopped working...
Today I tried to leave my new address on as many friends' blogs as I could, but of course that was a Sisyphean undertaking, and I am afraid that my blog buddies won't be able to find my new blog.

We shall see what happens.

I hope I still have some readers left.

And since I am a space cadet, I forgot if I mentioned about my first interview with BeadsPerles.

Please leave me some comments on how you are liking the new format if you have a chance.


  1. Megtaláltalak:)))
    Ez a karkötő maga a csoda!!!! Nemcsak hogy szép, hanem óriási tehetség kellett hozzá, hogy ezt a téli tájat megörökítsd benne! Gyönyörű! Nagyon gratulálok!!!!

  2. Tehát megcsináltad újra:-)) Ezért láttam mostanában a facebookon.Most is ugyan úgy tetszik,mint először:-))

  3. Hi,Kinga:-)
    To tell the truth,some days ago I got frightened,because I clicked on the miniature of Your Blog on my list and...nothing happened,only the Blogger told me-'Your Blog doesn't exist any more',but I looked for Your profile in the 'Followers'window' and found the address correctly:-)
    Sometimes it's good to 'get born' again:-)I did it many times here.I had the other blogs previously and not only about beading-I hated that 'mess' and ereased them entirely.Thus this one was created-from the beginning,as if I was the fresh beginner here:-)
    Your last winter miracle is fantastic - it brings the vision of the black trees in the snowy,sparkling background.I love the design-its modern form,I'd say even cubistic one,but still very romantic and nostalgic.
    Warm,Spring Geetings from still a little frosty Sweden.

  4. Nem csodalom,hogy ujra kellett csinalnod ,ez a karkoto tokeletes,olyan mint egy festmeny

  5. This bracelet is gorgeous! I really love it. Even though I'm a bright color person, I really enjoy black and white and the neutral colors.
    Thanks for the comment on the Beading Babes post. I'm really trying to be better about not slogging through something just to say I've finished it. And, thanks for leaving your new blog address. I love following your blog and seeing all the gorgeous bead embroidery you do!

  6. That bracelet is just FAN-FRIGGEN-TASTIC. It was glorious the first time, but you might have improved it. I had a dancer friend, years ago who would practice the same movement sequence over and over and over... and somehow, those movements would develop a power and subtlety that was greater than the sum of the component actions. Have to go find my jaw, which I think fell off when my mouth dropped open.

  7. I love the new layout. I think it looks really fresh and I love being able to visit your galleries (I might steal this idea!).

    I also love your Winter Solitude cuff. Such an amazing effect you have created with the trees, the beads for the ground and then the snow background. Awesome work!



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