Meg Thompson from Megbeads is up next!

Meg Thompson is an aspiring young jewelry artist from Australia. She is dreaming about becoming a medical researcher one day, but I have a feeling that in the process she will also become a bead celebrity!

"Washing the wall plugs-A Necklace" is the title of her lovely piece she made for this challenge, because it features washers and wall plugs beautifully embellished with seed beads and various semi precious stones.

Meg has been beading for four years now, and her work is imaginative and unique, she tries her hand in every form of bead weaving with success, and she just recently discovered bead embroidery, which of course is my favorite way to bead, and her first bead embroidered necklace is gorgeous. Check it out!

Meg too is part of the Etsy Beadweavers Team, and I am so glad I met her.
She is such an inspiration to me! I share her favorite quote with you:
"For when i am weak, then I am strong."

2 Corinthians 12:1


  1. Meg has been trying to leave me a comment, but blogger wouldn't let her so:((

    So I will convey her message, her suggestion for next month's theme:

    "Best of Disney." Create a piece of beaded artwork based on/inspired by the characters of Disney.
    Thank Meg!

  2. Wow this is a really cool and imaginative necklace so beautifully done.

  3. Meg,you have a future in bead embroidery....this rocks.!!!!


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